Le nuove docce smart wellness per esterni ed interni modulari automatiche a risparmio energetico e solari, sono uniche ed innovative, di design Made in Italy. Sono igieniche perchè non si tocca nulla con le mani, quindi contro gli agenti patogeni e si prestano per un uso professionale, durevoli nel tempo
The new modular automatic smart wellness showers for outdoor indoor to energy saving and solar, Made in Italy design, are unique and innovative. They are hygienic because you do not touch anything with your hands, therefore against pathogens and are suitable for professional use, durable in time
DESCRIPTION: The ‘OCTAGON’ product line consists of 4 ‘SINGLE’ (SOLAR) or 'SINGLE-S-L' shower models, more 4 316L stainless steel frames and automatic composite wooden footboards. This combinations is suitable for an installation in a central place, it is very beautiful for its octagonal shaped, with an inviting access from any side. The squared central area can be easily valorized with flowers or plants. The structure can be maintained leveled thanks to adjustable fittings on its basement and, like in the other models, a rubber pipe can be installed for cleaning or plant watering operations. The OCTAGON-PLUS’ model consists of the same 4 showers of the 'OCTAGON' model with the addition of a triangular ‘QUICK WASH-T’ footwasher device, making the shower set more complete.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Il modello "OCTAGON" è composto da 4 mod. 'SINGLE' (SOLARE) o 'SINGLE-S-L' più 4 raccordi in acc. inox 316L e pedane automatiche in legno composito. Questa composizione si presta ad essere al centro dell’attenzione, specialmente per la sua forma ottagonale, invitando l’accesso da ogni lato. Con i raccordi triangolari poi, si crea una pedana unica che invita a salirci sopra, mantenendo una comoda distanza fra tutte le utenze. Lo spazio quadrato che si crea al centro della struttura può essere riempito ad es. con addobbi floreali o altro genere. Anche in questo modello si può regolare l’assetto della struttura con gli appositi supporti, mantenendo il piano orizzontale rispetto all’eventuale dislivello creato dal catino di raccolta acqua esistente in loco. Inoltre, come in altri modelli, c’è la possibilità di innesto di una gomma da giardino, per annaffiare piante in zone limitrofe o pulire le pedane dalla sabbia a fine giornata. Il mod. 'OCTAGON-PLUS' comprende la stessa serie di moduli del mod. 'OCTAGON' con l’inserimento del lavapiedi triangolare 'QUICK WASH-T' completando il servizio doccia.
TYPICALLY INSTALLED: The ‘OCTAGON’ (SOLAR) product line is appreciated in beaches, resorts, swimming pools, cruise ships, yachts, camping. They can be easily installed in beaches because the elevated footboards can be installed directly on the sand. ACCESSORIES: The stainless steel object holder ’SUPPORT’ can be installed on the pipe, the ‘MIX-UNDER-T’ thermostatic mixer can be installed under the footboard, a 4 position ‘SHOWER-4’ shower head, anti-scalding kit ‘ANTI-SCALDING’ inside the pipe, ‘QUICK WASH-T’ foot washing device, the ‘CRUTCH’ adjustable stainless steel towel holder and a central square wooden structure that can be installed to make the central area homogeneous with the rest of the structure. Under the central area an easily accessible storage space is available, useful for instance for the storage of the rubber pipe.
TYPICALLY INSTALLED: The ‘OCTAGON-S-L’ product line is appreciated in beaches, resorts, swimming pools, cruise ships, yachts, camping. They can be easily installed in beaches because the elevated footboards can be installed directly on the sand. ACCESSORIES: The stainless steel object holder ’SUPPORT’ can be installed on the pipe, the ‘MIX-UNDER-T’ thermostatic mixer can be installed under the footboard, a 4 position ‘SHOWER-4’ shower head, ‘QUICK WASH-T’ foot washer device, the ‘CRUTCH’ adjustable stainless steel towel holder and a central square wooden structure that can be installed to make the central area homogeneous with the rest of the structure. Under the central area an easily accessible storage space is available, useful for instance for the storage of the rubber pipe.
TYPICALLY INSTALLED: The ‘OCTAGON-PLUS’ (SOLAR) product line is appreciated in beaches, resorts, swimming pools, cruise ships, yachts, camping. They can be easily installed in beaches because the elevated footboards can be installed directly on the sand. ACCESSORIES: The stainless steel object holder ’SUPPORT’ can be installed on the pipe, the ‘MIX-UNDER-T’ thermostatic mixer can be installed under the footboard, a 4 position ‘SHOWER-4’ shower head, anti-scalding kit ‘ANTI-SCALDING’ inside the pipe, ‘QUICK WASH-T’ foot washing device, the ‘CRUTCH’ adjustable stainless steel towel holder and a central square wooden structure that can be installed to make the central area homogeneous with the rest of the structure. Under the central area an easily accessible storage space is available, useful for instance for the storage of the rubber pipe.
TYPICALLY INSTALLED: The ‘OCTAGON-PLUS-S-L’ product line is appreciated in beaches, resorts, swimming pools, cruise ships, yachts, camping. They can be easily installed in beaches because the elevated footboards can be installed directly on the sand. ACCESSORIES: The stainless steel object holder ’SUPPORT’ can be installed on the pipe, the ‘MIX-UNDER-T’ thermostatic mixer can be installed under the footboard, a 4 position ‘SHOWER-4’ shower head, ‘QUICK WASH-T’ foot washing device, the ‘CRUTCH’ adjustable stainless steel towel holder and a central square wooden structure that can be installed to make the central area homogeneous with the rest of the structure. Under the central area an easily accessible storage space is available, useful for instance for the storage of the rubber pipe.
TYPICALLY INSTALLED: In this model it's possible to insert many different showers models. The ‘OCTAGON’ (VARIANT) product line is appreciated in beaches, resorts, swimming pools, cruise ships, yachts, camping. They can be easily installed in beaches because the elevated footboards can be installed directly on the sand. ACCESSORIES: The stainless steel object holder ’SUPPORT’ can be installed on the pipe, the ‘MIX-UNDER-T’ thermostatic mixer can be installed under the footboard, a 4 position ‘SHOWER-4’ shower head, anti-scalding kit ‘ANTI-SCALDING’ inside the pipe, ‘QUICK WASH-T’ foot washing device, the ‘CRUTCH’ adjustable stainless steel towel holder and a central square wooden structure that can be installed to make the central area homogeneous with the rest of the structure. Under the central area an easily accessible storage space is available, useful for instance for the storage of the rubber pipe.