Work with us
Roberto Rossi Design looking for agents in Italy for the sale of Made in Italy products, designed and built by Roberto Rossi Design precisely here, in Forlì-Cesena site, as the showers "Easy Shower®", tables-trays for umbrellas "Happy hour on the beach®" and ECOS © lamps, all unique products.
Also looking for a partner for continuous collaborations in the fields of custom furnishing for interior and exterior of shops or private.
For contacts and information fill the form below.
Roberto Rossi design cerca agenti in Italia per la vendita di prodotti Made in Italy, ideati e progettati da Roberto Rossi Design in zona Forlì-Cesena, come le docce "Easy Shower®", tavolini/vassoi per ombrelloni "Happy hour on the beach®" e lampade ECOS ©, tutti prodotti unici.
Inoltre cerca aziende per collaborazioni continue nei settori di arredo su misura per interni ed esterni di esercizi commerciali o privato.
Per contatti e informazioni compilare il form sottostante.