I modelli LINEAR della serie Easy Shower® sono costituiti dalla combinazione di n.4 moduli doccia mod. SINGLE ed eventuale lavapiedi mod. QUICK WASH-R, assemblati uno a fianco all'altro in un'unica struttura in acciaio inox 316L con pedane basculanti automatiche e giunzioni in legno composito
The LINEAR models of the Easy Shower® series consists of the combination of n.4 modules SINGLE showers models and possible QUICK WASH-R foot showers model, side by side assembled in an unique 316L stainless steel frame with an automatic tilting footboards and junctions composite wooden

DESCRIPTION: The ‘LINEAR’ product line consists of 4 ‘SINGLE’ single shower models (SOLAR) or ‘SINGLE-S-L’, more 3 316L stainless steel junction and automatic composite wooden footboards. This combination is extremely beautiful, with very clean design and limited space occupancy. As many as 4 showers can simultaneously work in less then 3 meters, and only 70 cm depth. The 'LINEAR-U' model, can be installed at the same level of the floor. The 'LINEAR-S-L' model with 4 thermostatic mixers set at different temperatures can be inserted into SPAs, thermal systems, creating emotional pathways with 4 different temperatures. The ‘LINEAR-PLUS’ model is extension of the 'LINEAR' model with inclusion a foot wash ‘QUICK WASH-R’ model more the relative junction maintaining the same features.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La linea di prodotti della serie 'LINEAR' è composta da 4 docce mod. 'SINGLE' (SOLARE) o 'SINGLE-S-L' più 3 raccordi in acc. inox 316L e pedane automatiche in legno composito. Questa composizione ha un design pulito nella forma e poco ingombrante. Pur avendo 4 docce ben distanziate, crea una pedana unica di ~ 3m e larga poco più di 70cm. Il modello 'LINEAR-U' può essere installato con le pedane a filo pavimento. Il mod. 'LINEAR-S-L' con 4 miscelatori termostatici regolati a temperature diverse, può essere inserito in SPA, impianti termali, creando percorsi emozionali a 4 temperature diverse. Il mod. 'LINEAR-PLUS' è l’estensione del mod. 'LINEAR' con l’inserimento di un lavapiedi mod. 'QUICK WASH-R' più il raccordo relativo, mantenendo le stesse caratteristiche.
TYPICALLY INSTALLED: The ‘LINEAR’ model are very useful in swimming pools, dressing rooms, spas, beaches, cruise ships. They can be easily installed in beaches by elevated footboards can be installed directly on the sand. ACCESSORIES: the stainless steel object holder ’SUPPORT’ can be installed on the pipe, the ‘MIX-UNDER-T’ thermostatic mixer can be installed under the footboard, a 4 position ‘SHOWER-4’ shower head , the ‘ANTI-SCALDING’ kit, ‘QUICK WASH’ foot washing device, the ‘CRUTCH’ adjustable stainless steel towel holder.
TYPICALLY INSTALLED: The ‘LINEAR’ model are very useful in swimming pools, dressing rooms, spas, beaches, cruise ships. It can be installed even to facilitate access for disabled with wheelchairs. ACCESSORIES: The stainless steel object holder ’SUPPORT’ can be installed on the pipe, the ‘MIX-UNDER-T’ thermostatic mixer can be installed under the footboard, a 4 position ‘SHOWER-4’ shower head , the ‘ANTI-SCALDING’ kit, ‘QUICK WASH’ foot washing device, the ‘CRUTCH’ adjustable stainless steel towel holder.
TYPICALLY INSTALLED: The ‘LINEAR-S-L’ model are very useful in swimming pools, dressing rooms, spas, beaches, cruise ships. They can be easily installed in beaches by elevated footboards can be installed directly on the sand. ACCESSORIES: The stainless steel object holder ’SUPPORT’ can be installed on the pipe, the ‘MIX-UNDER-T’ thermostatic mixer can be installed under the footboard, a 4 position ‘SHOWER-4’ shower head, ‘QUICK WASH’ foot washing device, the ‘CRUTCH’ adjustable stainless steel towel holder.

N°4 complete 'SINGLE-S-L' showers model more N°3 'RECTANGULAR FOOTBOARD JUNCTION' in composite wood.

N°4 complete 'SINGLE-S-L' showers model more N°3 'RECTANGULAR FOOTBOARD JUNCTION' in composite wood.

N°4 complete 'SINGLE-S-L' showers model more N°3 'RECTANGULAR FOOTBOARD JUNCTION' in composite wood.
TYPICALLY INSTALLED: The ‘LINEAR-U-S-L’ model are very useful in swimming pools, dressing rooms, spas, beaches, cruise ships. They can be easily installed in beaches by elevated footboards can be installed directly on the sand. ACCESSORIES: The stainless steel object holder ’SUPPORT’ can be installed on the pipe, the ‘MIX-UNDER-T’ thermostatic mixer can be installed under the footboard, a 4 position ‘SHOWER-4’ shower head, ‘QUICK WASH’ foot washing device, the ‘CRUTCH’ adjustable stainless steel towel holder.
TYPICALLY INSTALLED: The ‘LINEAR-PLUS’ (SOLAR) model are very useful in resorts, swimming pools, camping, spas, beaches, cruise ships. It can be easily installed in beaches by elevated footboards can be installed directly on the sand. ACCESSORIES: The stainless steel object holder ’SUPPORT’ can be installed on the pipe, the ‘MIX-UNDER-T’ thermostatic mixer can be installed under the footboard, a 4 position ‘SHOWER-4’ shower head , the ‘ANTI-SCALDING’ kit, ‘QUICK WASH’ foot washing device, the ‘CRUTCH’ adjustable stainless steel towel holder.
TYPICALLY INSTALLED: The ‘LINEAR-PLUS’ model are very useful in resorts, swimming pools, camping, spas, beaches, cruise ships. It can be easily installed in beaches by elevated footboards can be installed directly on the sand. ACCESSORIES: The stainless steel object holder ’SUPPORT’ can be installed on the pipe, the ‘MIX-UNDER-T’ thermostatic mixer can be installed under the footboard, a 4 position ‘SHOWER-4’ shower head , the ‘ANTI-SCALDING’ kit, ‘QUICK WASH’ foot washing device, the ‘CRUTCH’ adjustable stainless steel towel holder.